
21 Years of Experience

Heat Loss Surveys

I offer fully MCS compliant heat loss surveys for MIS3005 compliancy. These are room by room heat loss surveys and existing heat provision surveys so if you are thinking about a HeatPump or a new boiler, you know exactly what size you need.

For years, many installers just match a boiler to the existing, some then add a bit of extra capacity for good luck (Despite it being more efficient in the first place), so by knowing your losses, you know the exact requirements of the building and can make an informed decision about the next stage.

Surveys can take anything from an hour to 4 hours depending on the quantity and complexity of the rooms and build, plus the write up time. You get a full, detailed report and the documentation provided complies with the MCS standards.

All of my installs will request that a heat loss calculation is completed, which you can do yourself ( or you can chose to decline this option and we can all take a bit of a guess, the heat loss survey really helps provide the starting point for any heating installation and without knowing the losses that we are trying to match, it can be a real challenge getting everything running as efficient as it could be.

Fixed price
£350 1-5 bed home
MCS compatible
Room by Room

What you should know

This is not my income, this is effectively a hobby. I love my industry, my job and I offer this service not for financial gain. I support a variety of charities through this service, with my profits heading to Parkinsons UK and Alzeimers UK.

Please do not be offended if I am unable to assist you, it's never personal.