
21 Years of Experience

The problem

This industry is plagued with engineers that cannot do this or that, fast track courses and a focus on gas safety have resulted in an entire generation of engineers that don't understand the basic principle of what it is we do. Times are changing.

The solution

I have a passion for this industry, for a long time, heating engineers have been seperating into different paths with little knowledge on what the other paths do - Install varies massively from service and service is no longer a realm of the repair engineer with that being it's own branch. So, by taking the common thread of plumbing and the basic element that water flows from a to b (of which most can relate), I expand this into real world knowledge and bring clarity to what it is we do, how heating systems and boilers really work and how to get the best out of them as a single thought process.

I come to you
Full day training
1-6 Candidates
All materials provided
No sales
No judgement

Who is it for?

This is CPD on a new level, literally anyone or business can get better at what they do. I offer training on a 1-to-1 basis and for groups for upto 6 engineers. It's not designed for apprentices, but if you have apprentices that want to sit in, they can. I don't judge and will tailor the experience based on your existing knowledge; especially when it comes to hydronics and controls.

We can start at S-Plan and Y-Plan level or jump straight into PDHW systems, plate loading and dealing with heat losses and the mass flow triangle - The experience really needs to be aimed at what you need to get out of it.

I generally aim this at the domestic market as the commercial market seems to be much more stable, however, it can be tailored to the commercial sector as well and we can take a look at additional influences like Trend (BMS), return mixing, plates, pumps, headers and distribution headers.

The backstory

So this originally started for myself and progressed into the company I work for as a solution to the problem of CPD and a general lack of underpinning knowledge throughout the ranks, it has since progressed further and I've done this for several others too.

For those looking particularly at Hyronics, this is not HeatGeek and I'm certainly not going into that kind of depth, this is about applying the practical skills out there and why the additional knowlege by other providers is essential in driving this industry forward.

I'll bring a projector and a customised workbook for those attending, in certain topic areas, I will also have some props to play with like boiler components that have been setup for dead testing or my special interactive "wiring board" (A work of art if I do say so).

Taking it to the next level

When you are ready and if needed, the next level of enlightenment (Not my word, but the HeatGeek mantra) is really available now for all engineers. Once you've mastered the basics and are getting the best, you can take your engineers to the next level with courses by:

What you should know

This is not my income, this is effectively a hobby. I love my industry, my job and I offer this service not for financial gain. I support a variety of charities through this service, with my profits heading to Parkinsons UK and Alzeimers UK.

Please do not be offended if I am unable to assist you, it's never personal.